Remodel Your Bathroom To Make Use Of Empty Corners
While your bathroom may have all the essential features, you may still have empty space. Most empty walls easily fill up with new furniture, decorations, or features. But you may have several empty corners that you find more challenging to fill in and use effectively. An easy and exciting solution is to hire bathroom remodelers to work on projects around these corners.
A small or normal-sized bathtub is a feature you may enjoy using regularly. However, you can replace the existing bathtub with an oversized one using a nearby corner. This option may allow you to upgrade to a soaking tub or whirlpool tub to maximize relaxation. A deep soak or powerful jets can give you a level of relaxation that a regular tub cannot do.
When you have leftover space even after planning for a new and larger tub, you can make plans to add a sizable deck around the bathtub. You can use the deck to set up candles, decorations, plants, and bath products to make for a more convenient and enjoyable bathing experience.
Another feature you can expand upon with empty corners is a shower. A walk-in shower is an exciting feature to add that will provide your family with ample space to get comfortable. A major perk of working with remodelers for a shower is that you can go with a custom design.
Going with a corner shower can give your bathroom a unique look. Another option is to go with a standard walk-in shower design that uses an empty corner in its entirety. A larger shower allows you to add built-in seating and ample storage to store all your family's products.
Expanding the vanity is one of the most impactful projects you can work on in your bathroom. An easy option is to expand the existing vanity all the way to an empty corner. The extra space makes it possible to add a second sink, which will also come with more countertop space. You will naturally get additional cabinets and drawers when you decide to expand the vanity.
You will almost always benefit from increased storage capacity in a family bathroom. Also, cabinets are useful because they provide private and concealed storage. You can even get custom shelving in the cabinets to maximize storage capacity with storage on multiple layers.
Planning to use all the empty corners in your bathroom will allow you to work on these impactful remodeling projects.
Reach out to a bathroom remodel contractor to learn more.