Making Wise Remodeling Choices

Are you planning to remodel part of your kitchen? Learn more about why hiring a remodeling contractor would streamline the process.

Tricks To Make Your Kitchen Look Bigger

17 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

We're not all blessed with expansive kitchens that would make a celebrity chef feel at home. But even if your kitchen is a bit cozier than you'd like, you can make it appear bigger by using a few tricks. Read on for ways to feel like a celebrity chef in your own kitchen. Color and Pattern A kitchen will appear bigger if there aren't a lot of things competing for visual attention. Read More …

How To Plan The Right Remodel For Your Kitchen

5 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

You finally decide it's time to remodel the kitchen, and you start dreaming big. Thoughts of all the storage and work space you'll have go around with visions of your new appliances. Starting with a wish list is actually helpful, though you'll probably have to rein in some of your ideas. Plan a remodel for your kitchen that works both within your budget and within your space. Know your Budget Read More …

Why Solid Floors Are Perfect For A Bathroom

30 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

There are very few bathroom remodels that can revive the space like new hardwood floors. It is a great upgrade from linoleum, tile, or vinyl. Hardwood floors offer a unique style that can look modern or rustic. Of course, not all hardwood floors are the same. Many homeowners choose to invest in engineered floors, but this article will explain the advantages of choosing solid wood floors. Engineered Wood Floor Construction Read More …

4 Tips For Painting A Fiberglass Door

18 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Fiberglass is an excellent material for an entry door, providing durability and a door that can withstand many different weather conditions. However, there may come a time when you want to upgrade the door to a new color. The following tips will help you paint your fiberglass door. Consider Removing the Door Completely The first thing you should think about when you are planning on painting a fiberglass entry door is to decide if you want to remove it or not. Read More …

How To Get Clean Lines When Repainting Your Kitchen Walls

16 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Painting your kitchen walls is such a smart home remodel, especially if you do it yourself. Of course, it is an achievable kitchen remodel because it does not require any expensive tools or special training. However, there are a few tricks that you should learn to make your paint job look better. One of the most important parts of painting textured drywall is trying to paint straight lines along the edges, corners, ceiling and along the cabinet and appliances. Read More …