Making Wise Remodeling Choices

Are you planning to remodel part of your kitchen? Learn more about why hiring a remodeling contractor would streamline the process.

3 Ideas To Remodel Your Master Bedroom And Bath For More Space And A Modern Design

30 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

The master bath and bedroom in your older home may be too small for modern design standards. You may want to get more out of the design of your home with a master bathroom that has a modern look. Some remodeling might be necessary to get the space associated with modern decor. When you are doing the remodeling, you may want to consider changes like taking space from an adjacent room or closet. Read More …

Remodeling Your Small Space: Four Ideas To Make Your Home Feel Big

15 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Remodeling a small home or apartment can bring with it a few challenges, one of which is how to furnish the space. You won''t be able to fit a lot of items in your small space, but the right furnishings from a local furniture store like Cozy Interiors can make a big impact. Here are just a few ideas you can use to make your small home feel large. Mirrored Wardrobes Read More …

Gently Remove Stains From Your Acrylic Kitchen Cabinets

13 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Acrylic kitchen cabinets are popular for a number of different reasons. First, acrylic is an affordable material. It is also fairly low-maintenance, so it is ideal for any household. But like any type of kitchen surface, there is always a chance that your acrylic cabinets will get stained. If you have stains on your cabinets, you may be looking for a gentle but effective way to remove those marks. Using harsh chemicals can cause further stains to your cabinets, and they may also permanently damage the acrylic surface. Read More …

Whirlpool Tub Buying Guide: Everything You Need To Know

30 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Luxury has never been easier when you make the decision to remove your old fashioned tub and replace it with a whirlpool tub unit. You can choose from single or multiple jets that are installed behind the tub's walls. Different colors, shapes, and sizes make the choices much more difficult, but many can fit into the same space your old tub was located. Size of the Tub It is essential to measure the available space to ensure you don't purchase a tub that is too large. Read More …

Tile Floors In A Nursery? 4 Reasons Why This Flooring Is Best For A Growing Child

22 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you're expecting a baby or are currently remodeling their nursery and they're still young, it's a good idea to look into what kind of flooring will be ideal for their bedroom. While carpeting and hardwood have several benefits, it's common to forget about how great tile floors can be when used in their nursery. If tile flooring in the bedroom seems strange, consider some of the following benefits tile flooring can come with. Read More …